Tuesday, December 7, 2010

#61 Agenda of Today (WK15, 12/07/2010)

    1. Attendance report.
    2. Your performance stats has been updated (to the instructor's best knowledge), please check.
    3. Final exam will be taken at Brown Hall 216, 4pm 12/14/2010. Please let me know if it would not work for you.
    4. Your final lesson/research plan will be due by 11:59 pm Thursday, 12/9/2010 (you may check Submission Stats).
      Please send it through email (cctai.etsu@gmail.com) and you will get a confirmation reply.
      Alternatively, you can give the instruction a hard copy.
    5. Your grade depends on the quality of your work. The instructor will work as fast as he can to finalize your grade. The instructor will send you an email reminder when your performance stats is ready. You are welcome to contact him if you have any questions.
    6. Questions about lesson/research plan? Please read the updated Protocol carefully. You may also refer to a student lesson plan example.
    7. ETSU Final Presentation Schedules (11/30, 12/7)
    8. List of important concepts for the Final Exam Fall 2010
    9. Please provide your preference if you would like to share you plan with the class or not. All of the lesson plan files will just be available to those who participate in this collaborative effort.
      Project sharing Inquiry (Please click it)

      I hope that students' lesson/research plans will be available the end of Fall 2010 (on Post #63). An advantage of the idea is to share what we have done in this course. Hopefully, it can benefit your following courses and your career.
      I would like to request you to evaluate what you have seen in presentations. Please use the following survey to provide your ideas in each presentation. Your inputs will keep confidential.
      Students' Presentation Inputs

      Inquiry and National Science Education Standards

      Tuesday, November 30, 2010

      #60 Agenda of Today (WK14, 11/30/2010)

      1. Attendance report 
      2. Questions about lesson/research plan? Please read the updated Protocol carefully.
      3. ETSU Final Presentation Schedules (11/30, 12/7)
      4. List of important concepts for the Final Exam Fall 2010
      5. Additional questions 
      6. Other presentations
      7. Jo's Lesson Plan
      1. 75-80 % educational job opportunity prior to 2008 but decreased to 45 % in current economy
      2. How do you prepare yourself as a teacher for the future generations or as a workforce in the future? 
      • Knowledge/technology is more complicated
      • Abundant information but how to integrate
      • Global competition (human capital)
      • How to live with the climate change (from the Economist)
      • Challenges and Opportunities

      Thursday, November 18, 2010

      #59 Online Session Two and some announcements

      1. Assignments due next week (4pm 11/23/2010)- Two journal summaries (submitted through Post #16)
      2. Final Lesson Plan Presentations (11/30 and 12/7/2010)- Please check if the presentation schedule works for you.
      3. Online Session Two- You can complete the tasks of this online session between 11/18/2010-11/30/2010.
      ---------------Beginning of the Online Session Two--------------
      This online session includes two tasks.

      Task One: Write a reading reflection
      Read ONE of the following articles, then submit your reflections and comments (200-400 words). 

      1. In Kansas, Climate Skeptics Embrace Cleaner Energy
      2. But Will It Make You Happy?
        Please use the following link to submit your assignment.
        Assignment Submission: Clean Energy/ Happy

        Task Two: Work on your lesson plan
        Spend some time to improve your lesson plan. Use the updated Lesson Plan Protocol

        ------end of online session-----------------

        Tuesday, November 16, 2010

        #58 Agenda of Today (WK12, 11/16/2010)

        1. Student Assessment of Instruction 
        2. Attendance Report 
        3. Performance Stats updated, please check
        4. Questions about lesson/research plan? Please read the updated Protocol carefully.
        5. ETSU Final Presentation Schedules (11/30, 12/7)
        6. H-racer car (return 11/30)
        Class Activities
        A. Student Content Presentation
        • Content presentation
        • H-racer presentation
        B. Instructor's Content Presentation WK12 PPT + Blog activities
        C. Brief Lesson Plan Presentation/ Discussion

        D. Argumentation
        E. Lesson/ Research plan time

        #57 Gloabl Warming

        Work in group of 2-3 and do some on-line research. Please explain what causes global warming.

        Wednesday, November 10, 2010

        #56 Distance between sun and earth

        Aphelion -- the point on its orbit when the Earth is farthest from the sun
        The distance is 1.02 AU*.

        Perihelion -- the point on its orbit when the Earth is closest to the sun
        The distance is 0.98 AU*.

        *: 1 AU, the average distance from the Earth to the Sun, equals 93 million miles or 150 million kilometers.)

        Info source: http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2001/ast04jan_1.htm

        Tuesday, November 9, 2010

        #55 Agenda of Today (WK11, 11/9/2010)

        1. Attendance Report
        2. Share your research/lesson plan (viewable) on this file (WC Students' Lesson Plans)
        3. ETSU Final Presentation Schedules (11/30, 12/7)
        4. H-racer presentation (next week)
        Class Activities
        A. Class discussion 1: what did you learn from
        • A report from Parkinson's Study (Post #46)
        • CCR5 mutation and AIDS (Post #47)
        • Geocentrism vs. Heliocentrism (Post #48)
        B. Class discussion 2: Lesson/Research Plan Analysis  

        C. Student Content Presentation

        D. Instructor's Content Presentation- WK10/11 PPT + Blog activities 

        E. Brief Lesson Plan Presentation/ Discussion

        F. Wal-mart vs. Sustainability (Post #54)


        #54 Wal-Mart Effect

        Discuss in group of 2-3 and comment below.
        What the pros and cons that Wal-Mart bring to American people?
        How do these factors influence the ecological environment?

        Video Resources:
        1. Is Wal-Mart Good For America? (PBS)
          Chapter: Go cheap and go global
        2. Addicted to Cheap Shopping? (BBC) 1:30
        3. Wal-Mart the high cost of low price
          Chapter 2

        Friday, November 5, 2010

        #53 Reminder: Assignments Due 11/9/10

        Hello All,

        There are two assignments due next week.

        1.  Lesson Plan Analysis: It was sent to your Gmail account as the subject called: Name Lesson Plan Analysis. If you are not clear about the assignment, can't find the file orneed some clarifications for the assignment, please contact me.

        2. Online Session Assignment: This assignment (which is different from another online session for the week of Thanksgiving) was required last week. But with some communication confusion, the due day is extended to 11/9/2010.  You could find the requirements in the Part B on Post #45, which includes three tasks. Please follow the instruction and complete the work. Please let me know if you have any questions.

        Tuesday, November 2, 2010

        #52 Agenda of Today (WK10, 11/2/2010)

        1. Share your research/lesson plan (viewable) on this file (WC Students' Lesson Plans)
        2. Assignment: Lesson/Research Plan Analysis (Due next week)
        3. Tips for term exam preparation
        Class Activities
        A.  Content- WK10 PPT + Blog activities

        B.  Brief Lesson Plan Presentation

        C. Content- WK10 PPT + Blog activities

        #51 Climate issue

        Administration Steps Up Efforts on Climate Bill (NY Times)

        Circulation of the Atmosphere
        (a material from a MIT class)

        #50 What causes four seasons?

        The Earth has four seasons, but what causes them?
        Please write down what you think below without referring to any information.

        Distance between Sun and Earth

        #49 Natural capital vs. Biomes

        Please match the following biomes to proper locations in the figure
        Work in group and submit your results below.

        A. Chaparral
        B. Coniferous forest
        C. Deciduous forest
        D. Grassland
        E. Rain forest
        F. Savanna
        G. Scrubland
        H. Temperate Desert
        I. Tropical Desert
        J. Tropical seasonal forest
        K. Tundra

        #48 Geocentrism vs. Heliocentrism

        Vatican Science Panel Told by Pope from NYTimes
        Vatican Says Galileo was right from NYTimes

        #47 CCR5 Mutation and HIV virus

        The above image is from Wall Street Journal.

        Mutation and AIDS by WSJ
        (from Wall Street Journal)

        Man appears free of HIV after stem cell transplant
        (from CNN)

        Biologists discover why 10% of Europeans are safe from HIV infection
        (from University of Liverpool)

        #46 Parkinson’s Study

        A news report from NY Times.
        Google Co-Founder Backs Vast Parkinson’s Study

        Please share your thoughts (i.e. using the comment function) after reading the report.

        Tuesday, October 26, 2010

        # 45 Agenda of Today (WK9, 10/26/2010)

        1. Questions for the midterm scores.
        2. Next week (11/2/2010) would be an In-Class session, we would move an online session to the week of Thanksgiving.
        The class in this week consists of two activities.
             A. Lesson/research plan- 5 minutes presentations, working session
             B. Online session (please see below)

        A. Lesson/research plan
        1. Share your file with your peers:
          Make a copy of your lesson plan on Google Docs, share your lesson plan with the editable function and put info in the following file (WC Students' Lesson Plans).
        2. Present your plan
        3. Provide feedback to the presenters (details released in class)
        4. Keep working on your work with curriculum materials

        B. Online session
        You will have one week (10/26/10-11/2/10) to complete this online session.
        ---------------Beginning of the online session--------------
        This online session includes three tasks. You need to submit some stuff on Task Two and Task Three.

        Task One: Watch a video

        Task Two: A virtual tour
        Spend 1-1.5 hrs to visit the following websites. You are encouraged to read the content and watch their multimedia
        1. United Nations Environment Programme
        2. Multimedia- United Nations Environment Programme 
        3. Welcome- 2010 International Year of Biodiversity
        You are required (1) to report what you have read and watched (2) to write a 200-400 word summary, comment or reflection on your virtual tour. Please use the following link to submit your assignment.
        Assignment Submission: Virtual Tour

        Task Three: Read and Summarize Global Biodiversity Outlook 3
        Please read: Page 8-31 and Page 51-58
        Reading material: Global Biodiversity Outlook 3
        Assignment Submission: Global Biodiversity Outlook 3 (200- 400 words)

        ------end of online session-----------------

        Tuesday, October 19, 2010

        #44 Agenda of Today (WK8, 10/19/2010)

        1. Your mid-term test would be available to view on your Google Docs at 4pm 10/19/10. Please contact me if you have any questions.

        2. Two journal reading summaries due on 10/26/2010 (submit them through Post #16)

        3. WK 9 (10/26/2010) is an in-class session.

        4. Work on your lesson plan file in your Google Docs and prepare for a 5 minute presentation in WK9 class.

        Tuesday, October 5, 2010

        #42 Agenda of Today (WK6)

        1. Topic of Today I (Biodiversity and Evolution)
        • Attendance Report
        • Instructor's presentation
        2. Announcement I
        • Performance stats has not been updated since last week.
        • Recommended answers for the three integrated questions
        • Following schedule WK7:Mid-term, WK8:Fall Break, WK9:On-Site session, WK10: Online session.
        • Spend some time on lesson/research plan in WK 8.
        • On WK9 class, everyone would present her/his 5-minute lesson or research plan.
        • 2nd Edition of Syllabus (Version 10/05/2010)
        3.  Topic of Today II (Biodiversity and Species Interaction)
        • Students' presentations
        • Instructor's presentation
        4. Announcement II
        5. Assignment
        • Work on your midterm
        • Complete unfinished assignments

        #41 Compare two patterns of population growth

        There are two patterns of population growth. The Figure LEFT shows a logistic growth of a sheep population; by contrast, the Figure RIGHT shows a sharply increasing and decreasing growth. Please work in group of 2 or 3 and use the comment function to answer:

        Question 1: Why do you think the population in the Right figure grew fast and crashed, unlike the sheep in the Left figure?

        Question 2: Humanity's ecological footprint is about 25% larger than the earth's ecological capacity and is growing rapidly. If this keep up, is the curve for future human population growth more like to resemble Figure Left or Figure Right? Explain.

        #40 Population comparison

        Compare the population structures (pyramids) between Japan and United states (Source: US Census Bureau).
        Work in group of 2-3 and answer the following questions.
        (1)Which country has a better population structure?

        Population pyramids of Japan and USA in 2009 and 2040

        from http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/idb/informationGateway.php

        #39 Survey: Birthdays

        Birthday Activity

        #38 Predators vs. preys

        Work in group and comment below.

        Use the second law of thermodynamics to explain why predators are generally less abundant than their prey.

        #37 Strategies of prey species

        There are several strategies that prey species avoid their predators:
        (1)chemical warfare, (2)warning coloration, (3)camouflage, (4)mimicry, (5)deceptive looks and (6)deceptive behavior.

        Suggested Answer

        Don't refer to your textbook. Please work in group of 2 or 3 and write down your group predictions (Use the COMMENT function + Names on the top). For example (the answers below are wrong),

        (1)chemical warfare, (2)warning coloration, (3)camouflage, (4)mimicry, (5)deceptive looks and (6)deceptive behavior.

        #36 Genetics 101 from 23andMe

        Genetics 101 Part 1: What are genes?

        Genetics 101 Part 2: What are SNPs?

        Genetics 101 Part 3: Where do your genes come from?

        Genetics 101 Part 4: What is phenotype?

        Tuesday, September 28, 2010

        #34 Agenda of Today (WK5)

        1. Announcement
        2. Topic of Today I (Biodiversity and Evolution)
        • Students' presentations
        • Instructor's presentation
        3. What Causes Four Seasons (Post #31)
        • Post #31: What causes four seasons
        • How do we teach a lesson like that?
        • Post #33 Distance between the sun and the earth (available later)
        4. Lesson/ Research Plan Preparation (work with Post #9)
        • Research track: work with me individually
        5.  Topic of Today II (Biodiversity and Species Interaction)
        • Students' presentations
        • Instructor's presentation
        6. Assignment
        • Spend 2+ hours on your lesson plan/ research plan
        • Work on the list of important concepts
        • Complete unfinished assignments

        Tuesday, September 21, 2010

        #32 Agenda of Today (WK 4)

        1. Announcement
        • Attendance Report
        • Questions for login the blog/ submit your work
        • Performance stats
        • Individual appointments
        • Instant contact through gmail
        2. Topic of Today I (Ecosystem)
        • Instructor's Ecosystem PPTs
        • Water Cycle Game; Submit your water cycling stats
        • Special topics (Terri, Chelsie)
        • Five matter cycle assignment (a. open it on your Google docs/ b. add your name on the title/ c. share it with the instructor) 
        3. Research: Hypothesis/Conjecture Review
        • Post #20 (What is a good hypothesis/ conjecture)
        4.  Topic of Today II (Biodiversity and Evolution)
        • Students' presentations
        • Instructor's presentation
        • Global Biodiversity Outlook 3 (WK9): Website; the report
        5. How People Learn and How to Teach Four Seasons (Post #31)

        6. Lesson/ Research Plan Preparation (work with Post #9)
        • Will have five minutes presentation in WK 9 or 10
        • The working file on your Docs
        • Standards: focus on one specific grade but need review two adjacent grades
        • Content: Review what is teaching in the specific grade
        • List a collection of concepts, form a concept map
        • Look for some activities related to content
        • 5 hour lesson plan
        • -----------------------
        • Research track: work with me individually
        7. Assignment- Complete Five Matter Cycle Assignment

        #31 What causes four seasons?

        The Earth Has Four Seasons, but What Causes Them?
        Please write down what you think below without referring to any information.

        #30 Compare two biological communities

        Compare the pictures, discuss in group of 2 or 3 and answer the following questions along with your names.
        1.What causes these two biological communities so differently?

        2.Is plant productivity higher in species-rich ecosystems? Why?

        3. Does species richness enhance the sustainability of an ecosystem? why?

        #29 What are speciations and extinctions

        Work in group of two or three
        Please provide definition of Speciation and extinctions. Also, find out an example for each concept from available information resources.
        Please write down the names of the group while you are putting comments.

        #28 Online Material- What killed the dinosaurs?


        #27 Why is biodiversity so important?

        Discuss in group of 2 or 3. Write down why it is so important. No internet or information search while you are discussing. Put your names of the group members on the top of your comments.

        #26 What is Biodiversity

        Search on the internet or any resources available to you. Write the related information about the definition of biodiversity on this Post using the COMMENT function. Please include the cited sources.

        #25 Ch3 Three integrated questions

        Please have a group of 2 people working together to answer the following questions.
        1. Use the 2nd law of thermodynamics to explain why many poor people in developing countries live on a mostly vegetarian diet.
        2. Why do farmers not need to apply carbon to grow their crops but often need to add fertilizer containing nitrogen and phosphorus?
        3. What changes might take place in the hydrologic cycle if the earth’s climate becomes (a) hotter or (b) cooler?
        Please submit your group discussion: Three Integrated Questions
        Students' responses
         Suggested Answers (Not available yet)

        Friday, September 17, 2010

        #24 Announcement (WK 4, September 17, 2010)

        Dear WC folks,

        The Required
        1. Please submit a reading assignment, How People Learn, on Post #21. If you could not complete it online, you could bring me a hard copy of your assignment in class. If you have any questions, please contact the instructor. The deadline is by the time of next class.

        The Optional
        1. Your performance stats was updated if you agreed that the instructor can use a Docs file to communicate with you. If you have any questions, please contact him.

        Tuesday, September 14, 2010

        #23 Agenda of Today (WK3)

        1. Report Attendance (Post #3)

        2. Sign in the Blog: 
        • Check your Gmail if there is an invitation letter (for the Class Blog)
        • Sign in the class blog with your account
        • Then the Blog would be locked
        • Check if you can access the Blog using your account
        2.1 Performance Stats:
          3. Matter and Energy (Part II)
          • Activity (Flow of Energy): Videos and Q&A (Post #19)
          • Instructor's WK 3 PPT (slide 1-11)
          4. Topic of Today- Ecosystem
          • Students presentation (need to know what topics will be presented)
          • Activity: Concept map of ecosystem (Post #18)
          • Instructor's WK 3 PPT
          • Activity (Biomes): Videos and Q&A (Post #22)
          5. How to Conduct A Research
          • Forming a hypothesis/conjecture- Knowing your number (Post #20)
          6. Assignment Preparation: Lesson Plan and Research 
          • Find the requirements and read the Standards on Post #9
          • Work on your Google Docs 
          • List of Goldmail and Gmail account (ETSU) accounts
          • Volunteer presentation for Standards (2, one for K-3, one for 4-6, 5-7 minutes/presenter)

          7. Assignments: How People learn (See Post #21)
          •  Volunteer presentation for How People Learn (1)

          #22 Video Activity: Biomes

          Group Activity (Group of two):
          Discussion Submission: Biomes

          Here is your video-watching summary result
          Group Summary Result

          #21 Assignment: How People Learn

          Reading Material: How Students Learn: Ch 9
          National Research Council, Donovan, S., Bransford, J., & ebrary Inc. (2005). How students learn history, mathematics, and science in the classroom. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.

          Please submit your reading summary (200-400 words) to the following link:
          Assignment Submission: Reading summary submission (ETSU)

          You may check your submission by referring to the following link
          Result: Your summary (ETSU) (will be available on the WK4 class)

          #20 Activity: Hypothesis and Conjecture (Knowing Your Number)

          Here are the number Table
          1. 0-127 Table
          2. 0-63 Table
          3. 0-31 Table
          4. 0-15 Table
          Based on your observation and knowledge, please formulate a hypothesis/conjecture about how the instructor could figure out the numbers (using the comment function).  Also, provide some evidence/data to support your hypothesis/conjecture.
          Please indicate the applicable tables related to your number.
          Survey submission: Knowing your numbers

          #19 Video Activity: The Flow of Energy

          Video Title: The flow of energy
          Source: Organization in Living Systems

          Please work in a group of 2-3 and answer the following questions using the comment function.
          1. What is the difference between exergonic and endergonic chemical reactions? Please provide an example for each type of reactions.
          2. Please reflect, after viewing the video, what concepts you are not clear about or are challenging for you to understand.

          #18 Concept map of ecosystems

          Please work in group of two and complete the following task.
          1. Activity: Concept map of ecosystems
          2. Result Submission: Answers from your group
          3. Group Results (N/A)
          4. A suggested concept map (N/A) 
          5. Reading: How to construct a concept map (Joseph Novak, page 227-228)

          Friday, September 10, 2010

          #17 Announcement (WK 3, September 10, 2010)

          Dear WC folks,

          The Required
          1. Please submit two journal summaries on Post #16. The requirements for a journal summary could be found in the syllabus. If you could not complete it online, you could bring me a hard copy of your assignment in class. The deadline is 4 pm Tuesday September 14, 2010.
          The Optional
          1. Some Powerpoints have been uploaded to the Powerpoint Post (Post #14) including students' presentations. Please check if you are interested in some of them.

          Tuesday, September 7, 2010

          #16 Assignment: Journal Report

          Please submit your journal reading summary in the following link.
          Please refer to the syllabus regarding the requirement of the journal summary.
          Assignment Submission: Journal Reading Summary (Please click the link)

          See the results of your reading summary

          #15 Agenda of Today (WK2)

          1. Report Attendance (Post #3)

          2. Activity: Ecological Footprint (Post #6)

          3. Are you smarter than a fifth grader?
          Post # 4, See the the result.
          Group activity: How do we address a misconception (as a learner or as a teacher)?
              4. Living Planet Report (Post #10, #12)
              Green Challenges and Opportunities (Post #13)
                5. Topic of Today: Matter and Energy
                (Jonathan Barrett/ Celeste Peck/ Chihche)

                6. Lesson Plan and Research Assignment Technology
                Check if your Goldmail and Gmail account (ETSU) accounts work
                Details Please see Post #9
                Google Docs (Post #7) and How to use it to communicate with the instructor
                  7. Assignments:Two Journal Reports (See Post #16)

                  #14 Powerpoint

                  Instructor's PPTs
                  1. Chapter 1 &2 Week 2
                  2. Week 3 & 4 Ecosystem Part 1, Part 2, Part3
                  3. Week 5 Biodiversity & Evolution  Part 1, Part 2
                  4. Week 6 Biodiversity & Species Interaction Part 1, Part 2
                  5. Week 10 & 11 
                  6. Week 12
                  Students' PPTs
                  1. Living Planet Report (Terri Gouge)
                  2. Matter (Jonathan Barrett)
                  3. Energy (Celeste Peck)
                  4. Ecosystem (Ashley Wells, Jennifer Glover
                  5. Ecosystem (Terri, Chelsie)
                  6. How people learn (Scott Reis) 
                  7. Hybrid Car (Heather Elliott)
                  8. Biodiversity (Heather Elliott)
                  9. Evolution (Jessica Morton)

                  #13 Green Challenges and Opportunities


                  Providing incentives for energy efficiency and clean energy are the right thing to do for our future – because the nation that leads the clean energy economy will be the nation that leads the global economy.
                  President Obama, State of the Union Address 1/27/10
                  Bill  gates.jpg
                  The cheaper and environmental friendly energy will compete for being exciting in a decade ahead. That is a lot of sciences and business that is a global thing and that will be some great careers there.
                  Bill Gates, Keeping America Great, CNBC 11/12/09
                   Powerpoint: Global Green Picture

                  #12 Discussion: Living Planet Report

                  Class Activity:
                  1. Students' Presentation
                  2. See your assignment results
                  3. Class member comments
                  Group Activity:
                  Each group (group of 2-3) picks up one of the following questions, discuss it and post your comments below. Please also include the names of the group members on the first line of your comments.
                  1. After reading this report, what do you feel like is the best way to curve the current trends?
                  2. How are we going to convince people to change their current lifestyles?

                  Friday, September 3, 2010

                  #11 Weekly Announcement (WK 2, 9/3/10)

                  Dear WC folks,

                  The Required
                  1. Please complete the Assignment 1 (Living Planet Report) due by 4:00 pm Tuesday, 9/7/2010. 
                  Details about the reading materials and submission please see Post #10.
                  If you could not complete it online, you could bring me a hard copy of your assignment in class.

                  2. Please check if you have reported your Goldmail and Gmail account (ETSU) correctly.
                  You will need your Gmail account to manage your work and access the Class Blog.

                  The Optional
                  Not Available (N/A)

                  Tuesday, August 31, 2010

                  #10 Assignment: Livning Planet Report

                  Please summarize the report you have read.
                  Then develop two questions that presumably you would ask people who have read the report.
                  Assignment Submission: Living Planet Report (Please click the link)

                  Reading: Living Planet Report

                  Results of your assignments_ETSU (not available yet)

                  #9 Assignment Preparation: Lesson Plans and Researches

                  Pre-lesson plan Assignment for teaching interest (using Google Docs to communicate with the instructor).
                  You should include the following elements in your Docs.
                  1. A potential topic (A file title with your name)
                  2. What grade would you like to teach in the future?
                  3. Please summarize the specific grade standards in your interest
                  4. Please state how you would prepare yourself to reach the goal and how the instructor could help you.

                  Tennessee Science Standards (http://www.state.tn.us/education/ci/sci/index.shtml)
                  Acrobat pdfAcrobat file (.pdf) K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Word docdownload Word file K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
                  National Science Education Standards (http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=4962)
                  A free PDF copy available

                  MAcmillan/ McGraw-Hall
                  Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

                  Pre-research plan Assignment for research interest (using Google Docs to communicate with the instructor).
                  You should include the following elements in your Docs.
                  1. A potential topic (A file title with your name)
                  2. Why it is important to conduct this topic?
                  3. What has already been known? 
                  4. What would you like to know?
                  5. Methodology.

                  #8 Activity: Three Environmental Crises

                  Each group (group of 2-3) ranks what you perceive to be the three greatest environmental crises facing your generation. For each you should list the reasons why that issue is so important. Please submit the results of group discussion below.

                  1. Report your discussion

                  2. Review the overall results of the discussion

                  #7 Activity: Technology in the course

                  A PDF file for application of technology to STEM Education can be found in the following link (registered users only):
                  Web Tech vs. STEM

                  #6 Activiy: Your Ecological Footprint

                  Please report your result on the Ecological Footprint Calculators

                  1. Please report your result of the ecological footprint on the following link
                  Result of Ecological Footprint

                  2. What does the Ecological Footprint mean?
                  Group discussion: group of 2-3, report your findings using the comment function below. Please also include the names of group members.

                  #5 Content Presentation

                  Content Presentation
                  Please sign in one of group that you are interested.
                  Presentation Assignment: Content Presentation Group

                  #4 Your Prior Knowledge

                  "The most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows. Ascertain this and teach him accordingly"
                  (Ausubel, 1968, p. vi) [3]

                  Assignment: Please answer the following content questions.
                  1. Here are the Content Questions
                  2. Assignment Submission: the online answer sheet.
                  3. Are you smarter than a fifty grader (ETSU)?
                  4. Group Activity: How do we address a misconception (e.g. Q14)? Post your discussion below.

                  #3 Attendance Report

                  Please click the following link to report your attendance
                  Attendance Report

                  See the Result

                  #2 Syllabi

                  The class syllabus is subject to change. Please check the latest version of it.

                  Version 8/27/2010

                  Monday, August 30, 2010

                  #1 Welcome

                  Welcome to the Wildlife Conservation course.
                  The purpose of the course is to help you to construct your knowledge of environmental science/ wildlife conservation. The most important factor to accomplish the goal is YOU. I hope you would enjoy the journey and I am looking forward to working with you through the semester.

                  Please give me some information about you
                  Self-introduction (click the link)
                  The Course Structure

                  A Web-based Learning Environment
                  The class is using this Class Blog to support the course. The instructor sees the experience of using a blog may benefit your career with the advantages of no cost and wide accessibility (c.p. D2L is not applicable to your future career). You are encouraged to explore a possibility of applying the fast-growing information technology to your future classroom and jobs (see pre-service examples at the Exploratory and Discovery in Science course). For your convenience, I would put a reminder at D2L when a blog update available.

                  This Class Blog is using a Google-based platform, which will be available ONLY by registered users (currently is open to the internet, but will be accessed by the registered users after the 2nd week of Fall 2010 semester). Therefore, you will need to (1) create a Google account (https://www.google.com/accounts/ManageAccount, click " Create an account now" on the bottom right) and (2) inform me of your account .

                  Please use this link to report your account information: Goldmail and Gmail account (ETSU). The information will inform me to grant you the accessibility to the Class Blog.
                  It is crucial to use the Class Blog to submit your work, access the latest announcements and obtain the course materials.