Tuesday, September 21, 2010

#29 What are speciations and extinctions

Work in group of two or three
Please provide definition of Speciation and extinctions. Also, find out an example for each concept from available information resources.
Please write down the names of the group while you are putting comments.


  1. Speciation is the evolutionary process by which new biological species are formed.

    Extinction is the end of an organism or group. When all of the species or organism dies.

  2. ashley--
    Speciation is the evolutionary formation of new biological species, usually by the division of a single species into two or more genetically.
    An example of speciation occured on the Galapagos Islands, when Darwin found the thirteen different types of Finches that had evolved and adapted their traits to that of their environment and needs.
    Extinction is when an entire species dies out. An example of this would be the well-known Dodo bird.

  3. Example of extintion is the dinosaurs.

    Example of speciation is were a fish could be a marine fish but over time can undergo a speciation into a fresh water fish.

  4. Terri Gouge Celeste Peck
    Speciation is when two species arise from one and in natural selection it can lead to an entirely new species.
    Geographic isolation is when different groups of the same population of a species become physcially isolated from one another for long periods of time.
    Reproductive Isolation is when mutation and change by natural selction operate independently in the gene pools of geographically isolated populations. An example is early fox population seperated and different environmental conditions led to the artic fox which adapted to cold, the grey fox which adapted to heat.
    Extinction ia a process where an entire species ceases to exist It can affect on especies or many species at a time. An example is Costa Rica's male golden toad. Sabertooth tiger, wooly mammoth

  5. Speciation: is the evolutionary process by which new biological species arise

    example: the diversity of the 3-spined stickleback, which is a marine fish that has undergone speciation after the ice age. Below is a link of an image.


    Extinction: the death of an organism, to where its existence is no more.

    example: the quagga: half zebra and half horse, been extinct since 1883 below is a link to a picture

