Tuesday, September 7, 2010

#12 Discussion: Living Planet Report

Class Activity:
  1. Students' Presentation
  2. See your assignment results
  3. Class member comments
Group Activity:
Each group (group of 2-3) picks up one of the following questions, discuss it and post your comments below. Please also include the names of the group members on the first line of your comments.
  1. After reading this report, what do you feel like is the best way to curve the current trends?
  2. How are we going to convince people to change their current lifestyles?


  1. Jessica Morton, Heather elliott, Ashley Wells

    Our group came up with three possibilities to curve the current trend:
    1. We should be recycling and reusing more than we currently do. Turning off lights and appliances when not in use should also be stressed.
    2. Recylcing centers should be available to even the most remote areas/ and or recycling trucks make their rounds through communities just as garbage trucks do.
    3. Care for the environment should be more heavily stressed within the school systems. Children should be learning, from an early age, the dire urgency of the planet's ecosystems.

  2. Chelsie Snow, C. Celest Peck, Terri Gouge
    The best way to curve the current trends is to reduce population growth which in turn will decrease or slow consumption of natural resources.
    Huge environmental awareness campaigns would educate the masses about current ecological problems so they could effect change in governments and the private sectors as well.

  3. Jennifer,Molly Jonathan, Jo

    We chose to answer question 1:
    *Elect officials in the government that care, and will change the way we as a society live.
    *Government needs to set standards and mandates that EVERYONE has to abide by
    *Better adevertisement of facts and proof, unfortunately too many people don't honestly believe there is a problem... There needs to be better proof to show the world, we need to have a more aware society.
    *Make it easier to recycle, maybe by having recycle bins a long side our trash cans when trash gets picked up
    *Shop at local markets and local venders
    *Carpool as much as possible, walk and ride bikes as much as possible, and use more energy effecient cars and trucks.
    Something needs to be done to stablize mass production, because the mass production effects the environment on more ways then we realize.

  4. Trenton and Austin

    1. Use renewable reasouces and reduce waste

    2. Allow the freemarket to provie an economical solution.
